Worry Wearies & Weakens Our Worship
Delivered By
Bro. Brandon Steed
Delivered On
July 10, 2022 at 8:15 AM
1 Samuel 13:1-14

 Rather Than Let Worry Weaken Our Worship, Our Worship Should Weaken Our Worry! Philipians 4:6-7 gives us a solution to the problem to worry, it is our worship! Continuing to pray and to give thanks to the Lord brings peace; whereas, worry only brings us trouble, heartache, because of disobedience. Worry doesn't just bring disobedience, but worry itself is disobedience. Worry can make a wreck of your life and your family, when all God really wants to do is bless your family, by its worship of Him! Come join us in Worship and make an end of your Worry! We will be blessed to have you and your family!