Here Am I, Speak For Thy Servant Heareth
Delivered By
Bro. Brandon Steed
Delivered On
June 26, 2022 at 8:15 AM
1 Samuel 3:1-21

Our children must be taught to hear God's Word, not just in the house of the Lord but also in your own house. We need to form a habit, either at the beginning or end of our day, of spending time wit our children and family listening to and for the Lord's voice. It wasn't until the temple work was done and the temple lights had been dimmed that the Lord spoke to Samuel. We watch T.V., listen to music, and leave the lights on until we are exhausted from the business of our day, and there is still that voice reminding all the things we haven't accomplished or left undone that prevents you from sleep. All these things have drowned out the Lord's voice, and we must again be intentionally taught to hear God's Word. It's not that God is no longer speaking, but that we by and large are no longer listening!